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On December 9th, Amrita Nallathambi served as a Shadow A Scientist graduate student science ambassador. Amrita is currently a 2nd year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and also a trainee in the Molecular and Cellular Biophysics program. Amrita is a member of the Kuhlman lab.

Shadow A Scientist is a graduate student run organization that provides opportunities for high school students to interact with science in an exciting new way by experiencing a day in the life of a research scientist. This program highlights the opportunity for students of all backgrounds to become a researcher and break down barriers and myths that currently prevent young students from populations historically underrepresented in the sciences from pursuing science.

During this on-campus visit, high school students were paired with science ambassadors from a variety of disciplines including biological, environmental, health, and physical sciences. Science ambassadors share insights on scientific career paths, discuss their innovative research, and answer questions about being a scientist.

We are so proud of our graduate students who made these Shadow A Scientist visits memorable, engaging, and full of helpful advice to our future scientists!

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