Grep Alushin, PhD (NIH)
Bioinformatics 1131 130 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC, United States"Cytoskeleton structural plasticity in force generation and mechanosensation"
"Cytoskeleton structural plasticity in force generation and mechanosensation"
"How to Ubiquitylate a Protein: What Studying BRCA1 Taught us about Parking"
Seminar title: Novel insights into small bacterial RNAs and their big regulatory networks using genetic studies and computational modeling Research Area: The study of RNA-protein interactions using experimental and computational approaches. Mode: Virtual Host: BCBP graduate students
Title of Talk: TBA Seminars will be in 1131 Bioinformatics with a virtual via zoom option. Research Area: Protein quality control: how ubiquitinated proteins are targeted for destruction. Recognition of ubiquitin-modified substrates by p97-adaptor complexes. Host: Michael Emanuele
Title of Talk: TBA Research Area: Structural (NMR), biochemical, and molecular biology approaches to understand molecular recognition, with a focus on protein-protein interactions that play important roles in human disease, including BRCA1 and its role in breast cancer. Seminars will … Read more
Research Area: Design, semisynthesis, total synthesis, and evaluation of biologically active agents. Host: Jeff Aube
Venue: Bioinformatics 1131 Talk Title: “Targeting the Cell’s Stress Pathways for Therapeutic Benefit” Research Area: Unfolded Protein Response. Protein quality control in homeostasis and stress. Protein synthesis, folding, and targeting. Host: Saskia Neher
Lingjun Li, Ph.D., Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison Venue: Zoom Talk Title: “Advancing Biomedical Research via Innovation in Mass Spectrometry-based Approaches “ Research Area: Mass spec analysis of neuropeptides and neurotrasmitters towards elucidating their role in neural plasticity … Read more
Gabriel Rocklin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Northwestern University Venue: Bioinformatics 1131 Talk title: “High-throughput studies of protein stability and conformational dynamics” Research Area: Computational modeling: from protein sequence to determining protein fold, conformational dynamics, and stability Host: Brian Kuhlman