BIOC 663A and 663B Macromolecular NMR: Theory and Practice
Instructors: Sharon Campbell (Course Coordinator), Qi Zhang ( Stu Parnham (,
Meeting Dates: 02/13/2025 – 03/24/2025 [1.0 (lecture) or 2.0 (lecture plus lab) credit hours; offered in odd numbered years]
Times: MWF 11:00AM-12:00PM
Locations: GMB 3007, NMR lab
*Labs – 3 hours per week in Marsico Hall (time and day TBA). Cross listed as Chem 734.
UNC Biomolecular NMR Laboratory
- Pulse NMR: Basic principles and methods
- Laboratory: Simple experiments in D2O
- Spin relaxation: The theory and measurement of T1 and T2
- Laboratory: Data management and treatment
- Spin coupling: Scalar (through-bond) coupling
- Laboratory: A simple protein in water
- Dipolar (through-space) coupling (the NOE) and polarization transfer
- Laboratory: 1D NOE
- 2D homonuclear NMR: Principles and methods
- Laboratory: 2D COSY and NOESY in D2O and H2O