PHCO 750 Proteomics Methods and Applications
Instructor: Laura Herring, PhD; Dept of Pharmacology (Course Director)
Meeting Dates: Spring semester
Times: TBD
Location: TBD
Course Description:
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of proteomics and its applications to real-world biomedical research. Lectures will focus on the fundamentals of mass spectrometry and three broad proteomics applications: expression proteomics, post-translational modification identification/quantitation, and affinity proteomics. Practical aspects of these applications, such as rigorous experimental design, sample preparation and data interpretation will be emphasized throughout the lectures. Students will also get hands-on experience preparing samples for LC-MS/MS analysis, as well as in-depth experience analyzing global quantitative proteomics data. Students will present on a specific topic assigned by the instructor.