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Instructor:  Stuart Endo-Streeter (

Meeting Dates: TBD

Time: Lectures TTh

Location: Medical Research Building B, conference room

Pre or Co-Requisites: BIOC 666 or BIOC 675. BIOC 667 (Macromolecular Crystallographic Methods I) is recommended for crystallography students.

Cross listed as PHCO 669.

BIOC 669 Syllabus

Protein x-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy are two of the principle techniques used to experimentally determine the structures of macromolecules. While the data collection and initial processing steps are quite different, the fields converge at the model building, refinement, and analysis stage. This course addresses the fundamental concepts and best practices of how to build, refine, and analyze macromolecular structures with an in-depth treatment of the software and methodologies. Students will solve and build protein structures from provided data, or if available, their own, and analyze the quality of the structures using current best-practices and gold-standard metrics. This class picks up where BIOC 667 (Macromolecular Crystallographic Methods I) finishes. Classes will be twice a week; the first a lecture, the second a lab, where the lecture is put into practice.